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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our Week Went South

This week started with a friend's sister coming and giving each of us a hand analyse which was eye opening and intriguing. I've been interested in using essential oils so we are "sampling" a few to see how well they work. If Myriam's massive, back-end blow-outs are an indicator of the toxins in her body, then yes, the oils are working! Thankfully My Love was there to assist in the mess as we slowly made our way to Portland for business and play. It took us 7-8 hours to get to and the same to get back from Portland. Between games, rush hour, dinner times, poopy pants and construction, the roads were in full road rage conditions.  Tim headed to the coast and I had fun with my sister as we school shopped and played. All the kids needed new shoes and long pants and managed to find everything we needed to enter into the next season. Tim and I had a wonderfully delicious meal with a new business partner in Bridgeport as the kids were spoiled greatly by auntie back at the hotel. Today Tim and Charlie left for a camping trip leaving us ladies home to eat oreo-peanut butter brownies and watch all the girly movies we can without commentary from the boys. I'm excited for school to start this week even though I don't have all the books we need for all the classes. I still have plenty to get the kids going! 

day 231 - an introduction to essential oils

day 232 - waited until the 3rd kid to get kid travel pillow…finally

day 233 - hanging out with auntie traci

day 234 - horsetail falls

day 235 - seattle at it's best

day 236 - new campfire toy

day 237 - on their way to a boys only camping trip

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