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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Race Week

day 266 - new reads

day 267 - sugar bug treatment for charlie

day 268 - a game of hide & go seek

day 269 - dryer needed some love. thanks lee's appliance

day 270 - lost tooth! (don't look up the nose. not his best)

day 271 - a little realtime at districts

day 272 - "pretty" runners feet…well deserved

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 39

day 259 - be-lated birthday date with daddy

day 260 - free haircut for brother... free dinner for me

day 261 - friendly pre-diced onions; genius (thanks linda!)

day 262 - lost my like for the psl; sticking to what i know i like

day 263 - don't mind if it does rain

day 264 - it's looking like fall around here
(actually it has been for a few weeks…I couldn't resist!)

day 265 - crafts in progress

Monday, September 15, 2014

From Far-West to the Mid-West

What a great fun-filled week! My sister moved home as she will now spend her time here and there in Portland which also means MORE AUNTIE TIME!!! We took the kids to TCBY (fun-fact: TCBY was my first job) to celebrate their bravery as they attended their first campus classes at Mp3. Both kids have a writing and science class and so far seem to enjoy the classes. I have really appreciated the structure at Mp3 and look forward to the friendships made this year spending time on campus.
The potty training is stagnant and has turned into potty parties of reading books about going potty, but no success on the potty. If you have been anywhere near the Dutch Mall recently, you'll notice busy bees at work painting, trimming and assembling the final touches for the Elements office space. Even the interior is getting a fresh coat of paint and roofs replaced to make everything feel newer and CLEAN! The place looks loved again!
Tim had work in Nebraska this weekend and I managed to find a race at the same time to check off another state race on my journey to running in all 50 states. It was the smallest race I've ever participated in too! You can read more over at www.thebroersmafive.blogspot.com
The kids thoroughly enjoyed their time with Auntie and sleepovers at Papa and Nana's when we were away. Papa needs to rush the potty training as he struggled with the diapers but all kids were returned home clean, happy and tired from all the fun. We are blessed to have family and friends to make such fun memories!
On Sunday we celebrated Addison's 10th birthday! It was horrible being away from her but the party before, gifts in the morning and day after daddy dates made up for us not being home.
Happy Double Digit Birthday Sweetie!

day 252 - treats after first day of campus classes

day 253 - yeah. still buying diapers. this isn't working.

day 254 - making progress at the windmill

day 255 - auntie's daycare with otter pops

day 256 - the tab broke off the diaper.
papa fixed it with tape. oh boy.

day 257 - Lynden FFA Corn Maze

day 258 - appreciating the beauty of a tall tree

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Labor Day & Birthday Celebrations

day 245 - woody woodpecker destroying our stumps

day 246 - making cookies for the neighbors

day 247 - first paycheck

day 248 - first art class this year

day 249 - celebrating my love's 35th with friends

day 250 - my cousins wedding turned date night

day 251 - skating celebrations for addi's early birthday…and a big photo bomber!