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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Rainy Days Turned Sunny

This week brought a day of rain that was much needed and welcomed! Addi and Annie played many hours with Barbie's including letting them join when they had s'mores. They also had sleep overs which always bring more hours of laughter! I got bored and cut 4.5 inches of hair off…it was nice not having a pony tail whip my back on my long training run this Saturday. Charlie had a boys "grandson" camping trip with Grandpa Doug to Larrabee State Park even though it rained…boys can find fun anywhere. Addison and Charlie finished their swim lessons this week and Charlie will have a few extra days into next week to give him a bit more confidence in the water. Friday night we had a family fun night at the farm picking almost 50lbs. of blueberries! We we got done Charlie asked to see Kona so we drove all but a minute down the street to pet Kona. He later told me on the drive home, "Mom, I have no fear of Kona." I was SOOOOOOO proud of him for overcoming the fear of his dog bite!!!!
Tim and I are wrapping up the week on a dinner date with some friends as the kids spend time with Papa and Nana. Great week! Two Mommy and Daddy dates (we had an over night in Seattle earlier) plus LOTS of blueberries to eat!

day 202 - bff s'mores with barbies on the side

day 203 - got bored and cut my hair

day 204 - camping trip with grandpa doug

day 205 - swim lessons continue

day 206 - my eggs love me

day 207 - meeting nora faye, 11 weeks (she belongs to tim's buddy travis)

day 208 - cool treats with papa 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Another Hot Week

day 195 - a cool dip in lake whatcom

day 196 - little hoopsters camp

day 197 - swim lessons

day 198 - blueberries! (parked the strollers by the bushes and the girls stayed content for a bit)

day 199 - foster license packet stamped and sent

day 200 - sharing sweets at the raspberry festival

day 201 - taking the girls on a kayak ride at a work bbq

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Heated Week

This week brought the heat! I still have been struggling with allergies and a head cold which is beyond frustrating for me. Monday we tried something new at the track meet and saw many familiar faces there as well! We will defiantly be doing that again! Tuesday afternoon my Aunt Betty informed me the U-Pick blueberries were ready so us kids raced out to the farm to get some purple sweet treats. The kids enjoy it at the farm as they played on my Aunt's play set, picked raspberries and also got to splurge on cherries too. Another HUGE reason to visit the farm was to face the fear next door at my other Aunt's house where Charlie had his dog bite. The kid shook on the way out knowing we'd be close, but he faced Kona like a champ and since has asked to go back!
Thursday afternoon brought the most intense heat when Myriam had her second seizure after nap time. I had no hesitation calling 911 after experiencing the first seizure and her turning blue. We are blessed to have amazing neighbors, a fantastic fire department and crew and medical staff to treat our kids. Now we enjoy mellow Myriam as she recovers from her febrile seizure. Friday morning, Myriam brought fresh blueberries to the fire department as a thank you gift for taking care of her. 
Addi cooled off in Portland by visiting Canon Beach with Nana and Auntie Traci as well as Aunt Cindy and cousin Sarah. Those of us still at home enjoyed our little pool and popsicles!
I had a challenging run at Lake Padden running on the horse trails and cooling off in the lake afterwards.
Praying the only heat we experience next week is from the weather as Mommy can't handle more torture watching her little one in the medical state she presented this week. 

day 188 - all comer's track meet

day 189 - facing fears

 day 190 - addi's summer checklist almost complete

day 191 - post seizure snuggles

day 192 - canon beach with nana, cindy, sarah, & traci

day 193 - date night

day 194 - a stunning display of God's creation

Happy Birthday America

After unpacking from our wet camping trip, Tim decided to unwind some more by BBQing an amazing meal! It took him nearly 4 hours to prepare everything and was beyond delicious. With high temperatures on the horizon, the kids and I went out in search of a swimming pool and found a great $60 deal from Kmart! It's been worth it's price in a week with the pool parties and afternoon swims. I've been struggling with allergies and a head cold this week which has had me stopped dead in my tracks. So frustrating! We got to celebrate my nieces 1st birthday on Saturday along with the 4th of July and Addi celebrated Annie's birthday with a frozen birthday party at the ice skating rink! A busy week full of celebrations and allergy meds. 

day 181 - leftovers were still incredible

day 182 - pool party

day 183 - love my happy hydrangeas 

day 184 - darn allergies

day 185 - happy 4th of july

day 186 - windmill projects

day 187 - lime juice drizzled on broccoli to make the kids eat the trees…it works!